My Quiet Space: July 2006

Friday, July 28, 2006

Shape of a Mother

This should be recommended viewing/reading for all female pre-teens, teens, women TTC, pregnant women, and women in their post partum.

Shape of a Mother

I visit at least every other day and there is always a couple if new stories with pictures that make me feel a little better about my body after 5 children. When the media is full of starlets with perfect pastpartum bodies.. it's kind of hard to not feel alone in what you think is a world free of cellulite and stretch marks.

I could go on for hours about the horrible self image I had as a teen despite having had a body that I'd love to have now. We never appreciate what we have till it's gone. I am so thankful a friend of mine sent me and a few other friends a link to another site that linked to "Shape of a Mother". I have a really hard time convincing my daughters that they are beautiful no matter what flaws they may think they have when I am so unhappy with myself and display a poor self image.

Kudos to the creator of the page, and Kudos to the women who are baring their bodies and souls.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

What evil is this?

Looks like an innocent little toddler, huh? Well, as innocent as a 2 year old can be anyway...
The evil that dwells within her is well hidden by her chubby cheeks and sparkling brown eyes.
Despite having four girls older than her, I have NEVER experienced the type of horrifying messes that she can produce in a very short time.
She's lost all interest in potty training. In fact, I think she's either in some sort of rebellion, or has become possessed by the golgotha demon.

A quiet moment for her means time to have a BM in secret, sit down or bounce on the bed or couch till the poo is sufficiently squished inside of her diaper and every square inch of flesh covered by diaper is now covered in poo. Thanks to modern technology, diapers have velcro on them now. Something not available for my first 4 daughters. Misty can rip open the velcro with great ease and toss it. The diaper will invariably land poo side down, much like the buttered toast effect. If I'm lucky, I'll hear the diaper hit the floor or a sibling screaming "EEEWWWWWW, GROSS, MISTY!!!". If she's not caught she morphs into the golgotha shit demon from "Dogma" and is completely covered in poo and slinging poo in all directions as you try to capture her from behind with fingertips only, so as to keep as little poo from touching you as possible on the way to the bathroom. Thank god for a detachable shower head.

Sorry my blog has been so crappy lately...
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