My Quiet Space: March 2006

Monday, March 27, 2006

I discovered what Victoria's big secret is. She's a skinny li'l anorexic bitch.

I've not bought any *decent panties since having my 5th daughter in May '04, so I went shopping for skivvies at VS. I could tell by looking that small looked like it would fit my toddler, medium would fit my 4 yr old. But I thought SURELY, large will fit me.
Why call it large if it doesn't fit somebody who wears a medium in everything else?

In the blue jean world, if you pay more for a pair of jeans, they reward you by putting a smaller size on the inside label.
There can be as much as a 4 size variance from one brand/store to the next.

Victoria, kiss my moderately fat ass.

*Not fruit of the loom in a 3 pack from walmart for $5

Amended. Sorry Vicky, I just hate your signature cotton low rise panties, they bite into every orifice and the elastic around the hips could make Callista Flockhart feel like a whale.
However, The extreme low rise from the PINK line are AWESOME!

Friday, March 24, 2006

My blog is worth $4,516.32.
How much is your blog worth?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Et tu, Chef?

You will be missed. I have to admit, I was very upset at first when I read the news of Isaac Hayes quitting South Park after 10 years.
Then I thought of all the controversial subjects that they have covered in that 10 years. It's pretty sad to me that other religions are OK to mock, but not the Scientologists. I think he was brainwashed.

Update, they killed chef. *sniff*

Friday, March 10, 2006

A pretty sunset on poor little dried up Lake Tawakoni. I'm seriously wondering if it's ever going to have water in it again. I really miss getting out on the boat and fishing.

Signs of Spring! The wisteria are blooming. I LOVE WISTERIA!!

This poor little decapitated snake caused some issues in our lives today.
I was running around the yard cleaning up broken tree branches since mowing season is quickly approaching. I passed by the front door and SQUEELED, "snaKe!!!!!!!!" Arghhhh!!!!"
My darling husband dropped his work and came and shot it for me.
Since we were having such beautiful weather, I decided to take the girls walking around the lake bed. (That was this evenings sunset up above.)
We walked up our backyard and saw a police cruiser driving past the front of the house.
Heather, who had stayed in, came out back and said "Mom, there's a policeman here. He wants to talk to dad, but he's in the shower."
So I asked him what the problem was then remembered our CRAZY neighbor. She flips out any time there's gun fire.. THIS IS THE COUNTRY, LOONEY LADY!
I explained to the officed what had happened. He asked where the snake was shot. I showed him the holes in the ground, then showed him the snake carcass. He continued to hang out in our front yard till Mark was finished getting ready.

Mark finished getting ready and told the officer the same thing I did. He also told him she should be reprimanded for false police reports. She claimed Mark was shooting at HER. She lives a good distance from us. He said "that took two shots?" I didn't know if he was impressed or disgusted with my husbands marksmanship. Who cares.. the snake was dead.
The policeman apologized, and went on his way.
The passive-aggressive part of me wants to put the dead snake in the front seat of her car. I could never get by undetected though. She has goats, chickens, dogs, horses, donkeys, roosters, you name it. The poor dogs live their lives chained up rain or shine. But yet, she "used to work for a vet and loves all animals".
One of her horses died when I was pregnant with my youngest daughter. She covered it with a tarp next to the fence and left it to rot. Do you know how long it takes a horse to decay? Do you know how bad it smells?? Imagine that multiplied by pregnant nose... a pregnant nose can sniff out sour milk a week in advance.
I won't do a thing about it. But she will get the stink-eye from me every time I see her from now until we move out of this insane neighborhood.
One of these days I'll list off all the crazies in my neighborhood. Make popcorn!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Hmm.. blame photobucket.

I was trying to add a Bucketstamp into the side column. My whole blog went wonkers.

I decided, hmm.. lets see if another template will make it fit in the side column better.. Great.. now EVERYTHING is gone but my posts!! ARGGHHHH!

So, if you can still hear my music out there, let me know. I'm not sure I got the code in there right.

So, eventually I'll have all my links to my favorite blogs back. grrrr

Here's the silly bucketstamp.

adopt your own virtual pet!