My Quiet Space

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Things just keep getting better. Why am I not worried about the come down anymore?

We should be getting into the other house before the new year. Things are happening really fast now! Today we are getting rock spread for driveways so we don't get stuck when it rains.

Mark bought all the materials for his shop yesterday. He still needs to pour a small slab. And we still need septic. I'm so glad he decided to settle for a smaller shop instead of the bohemeth manly man shop he was originally insisting on.

My mom called today and told me that she and dad talk EVERY day for SEVERAL hours. He told her he still loves her. I told her I thought it was great and she seemed surprised at my response. I said "What child of divorced parents doesn't secretly want to see their parents back together?" Unless of course it was a highly volatile relationship. Theirs was not.. I think they split because they were young and immature. How romantic if they do get back together and get to retire together, ya know? She mentioned that he may even move to Tx. I'm totally ECSTATIC!!!!


Blogger Big_Daddy said...

All your latest posts are great. glad to hear things are moving along and going well with your father.

My mom and dad split when I was 2 or 3. In my early teen years, when my mom's relationship with my step dad was getting volitile, I asked her if it was worse than it was with my dad. I'll never forget she said 'it must have been if i left'!
By senior year My mom and dad were back together. It's hard to believe that was over twelve years ago. I always wanted both my parents to be happy. I suppose I think it secretly all romantical and fairy tale-ish. I couldn't imagine them not together now and their love is an inspiration to me. Point is... It could happen.

11/10/2005 10:03:00 AM  
Blogger Tess said...

Wow! It sounds like things are going amazingly well with your dad.

11/13/2005 02:27:00 PM  

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