My Quiet Space

Monday, October 17, 2005

The music has nothing to do with the blog.. just a cool cover of a Black Sabbath song by Pantera.
Hope somebody enjoys it...

This is the first drawing by me in over 10 years. I haven't done anything more than a little doodle in many moons. I recieved an awesome sketch pad and a Wolff's graphite sketch set from a "secret mom" many months ago. Not until my second line used for internet took a crap, have I attempted drawing.. it's pretty rough but the girls who haven't ever seen any of my drawings, were totally impressed.
There is nothing in the world like having your children impressed by something you did.

I found my birth father tonight... I haven't contacted him yet. I googled his name earlier this evening along with the word "photography" because that was the only thing I knew that he enjoyed. I have an album full of pictures that he had taken and developed on his own. There are gorgeous close-ups of flowers, pictures of my mother posed beautifully wearing make-up,( something she rarely did in my later childhood years. ) racecars, taiwanese families and pics of him with army buddies. I found a link to a profile for him on a forum for the flashlight enthusiast. (weird.. I know)
I called my sister, and mom to verify a few facts that I read in his profile and it all matched up. My sister called me just a bit ago and said she had been reading posts by him for many hours and said it was "DEFINATELY him". He mentioned having been married, having had two kids, and three grandkids (boy would he be suprised to know he has 7 granddaughters.. especially considering he only wanted one son!!! LOL)
She's going to attempt emailing him and is planning to send the links to my photobucket and her webpage for her two daughters.
She mentioned that it was weird that I was so interested in photography like he was. I explained to her that the album of pics, and the few things mom had told me, were all I knew of him. She was about 4 when he left, so she actually knew him.
I'm so ecstatic to know that he is still alive. Even though he left when my sis and I were very young, supposedly to live an "alternative lifestyle", I want him to know that I was very influenced by seeing the pictures he took.


Blogger Natalie said...

Cathy, I am awestricken by your picture!! Seriously, its gorgeous!!

And what you wrote about your dad is so touching. I am sure it feels like you are standing on the edge of a cliff, but you have nothing to lose by contacting him. If you don't you will always wonder. I will be thinking of you.

10/19/2005 11:27:00 PM  

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