My Quiet Space

Monday, November 07, 2005

Oh yeah.. My mom and dad have been talking on the phone an awful lot lately.. I've been thinking how weird it would be if they got back together. I can't imagine having kids with a man, splitting when they were still very young, then getting back together 30 years later.. weird.

I'm experiencing some distress over him coming for his visit and felt i should purge here. We're assuming since he's coming Nov 21st, that he will be around for Thanksgiving. I don't want to do it in this house, and we most definately will not be in the other house yet. I told Mark that I wanted to go to Plano for Thanksgiving at my mom's.He got pissy, claims we'll finish the kitchen.... How the hell are we going to have time to finish the kitchen if we are putting up the shop and getting in septic in Cumby?? BAHHHHHHHH
I'd like to take him to see the house in Cumby, but I absolutely don't want him seeing THIS house. It's been in a state of disrepair for quite some time. It doesn't matter how much cleaning I do, I still don't like people coming over. I've alienated a lot of friends over it... pretty pathetic. I know they aren't coming to see my house...
Ok.. vented..


Blogger Kellee said...

Come to Plano! Come to Plano! Then maybe we can finally meet! Fun!

Seriously though, I will be thinking about you & praying for a peaceful resolution. Holidays are stressful enough as it is.


11/08/2005 07:47:00 AM  
Blogger shopspacemonkey said...

hey Cathy!! I habe been thinking of you and your situation with your Dad lately. Glad you posted an update.

I have the "people in my house" fear as well. I don't think I have managed to alienate any friends over it though, although it is a running joke.

When I lived in my old house, I thought I would lose the fear when we bought a bigger house and had "real" furniture, etc. But here we are 4 yrs later in the "new" house and I still have the same fear only worse. I feel like I am a grown-up living in an "un-grown-up house" make sense. I feel sometimes like the state of chaos in my house is a direct reflection of what is going on in my head and so it feels deeply personal and embarassing.

My advice and solution....let people in! It is liberating. It says "Yeah, this is me and I am okay with it."

Ugh. I hijacked your blog. Sorry.

*hug* I am thinking of you, good luck in whatever solution you all come up with.

11/08/2005 11:57:00 AM  

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