My Quiet Space

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Tagged by Kellee

Four jobs that I have had:
Worked at Mcd's as a teen
Mom since a teen
babysat for friend's kids
Secretary for hubby's business (does it count if you aren't getting paid?)

Four movies that I can watch over and over again:
The Princess Bride
She's Having a Baby
Office Space

Four places I have lived:
Champagne, ILL.
Dallas, Tx.
Plano, TX
Lubbock, Tx.

Four TV shows I love to watch:
Six Feet Under
Family Guy
Aqua Teen HungerForce
South Park

Four websites I read daily (or I at least check on daily):
Loose Ends
Serenity Now
Kiki's Blog
Arch Words

Four places I have been on vacation:This is sad...
Disney in FLA.

Four favorite foods:
Crab legs
Fried catfish
Chicken enchiladas w/ sour cream and monterey jack sauce

Four places I’d rather be:
Anywhere warm and near the waterx4.

Four people to tag: Everyone that I picked has been too long without a blog update.Blog dagnabbit!
Oodelally (Aerin)


Blogger Tess said...

Ha! I just tagged Aerin today too. :)

I also lived in Champagne-Urbana, Illinois, when I was little and my dad was doing his graduate work at U of I.

1/22/2006 03:17:00 PM  
Blogger Counting_Blessings said...

I LOVED Officespace -- my friends and I quote that movie from time to time when we are caught in a completely trivial and meaningless deadline..

..Did you get the memo?...

1/22/2006 09:42:00 PM  
Blogger Kellee said...

Uh, yeah....we're gonna need you to come in on Saturday & run the reports. Uh...yeah...

1/25/2006 08:53:00 AM  

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