My Quiet Space

Monday, September 19, 2005

Anytime I hear this song by Boston, I am instantly propelled back to my teenage years. I remember swimming, tanning, and hanging out at Collin Creek Mall in Plano with all my friends (hellions). I remember the boys that I thought I would ALWAYS love.
I wonder if this song brings back memories for any of you. Are there any songs that take over your thoughts and bring back vivid memories?


Blogger Cathy said...

pfth.. dangit! Get out of my blog space!

9/20/2005 12:03:00 AM  
Blogger Big_Daddy said...

Turn on "Word Verification"

9/20/2005 12:38:00 AM  
Blogger Kellee said...

Ahh...sweet memories of spending Friday nights at Collin Creek. Looking at posters, buying records and eating chocolate stars. Oh yeah...and checking out boys!

I'm sure there were nights we were there at the same time but obviously didn't know it. Funny to think about now, huh?

Thanks for the memories!


9/20/2005 01:47:00 PM  
Blogger Elisa said...


I can't hear the song (i'm at work, probably wouldn't be a good idea).

There are definitely songs that take me back. Remember Skid Row song "Remember Yesterday" or Bon Jovi "I'll Be There for You" or Guns n Roses "Patience." Those take me back to 8th and 9th grade.

9/22/2005 09:29:00 AM  

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