My Quiet Space

Monday, September 12, 2005

Adventures in moving!

Murphy's law and how it applies to us.

We bought approximately 36 acres in December of 2003.
We contemplated building for awhile, then decided we were ready to just get out of this CRAZY neighborhood.
We found a 5 bedroom 3 bath mobile home and had it moved onto our land in May 2004.

We rented a trencher on Friday for $150.00 so we could plumb and light our house.
Here's things going smoothly with the excellent piece of machinery.
(unfortunately, when you turn a corner it kicks HUGE mounds of dirt back in the hole. The holes have to be dug back out with shovels. Guess who digs when hubby is handling the machinery??)

Here's the flood on our land from the water main that my husband accidentally hit with the trencher.
We waited for 6 hours for the water company to come fix the leak. Apparently the water company is a one man operation and he never thought to put his phone on vibrate for church.
I'm not a total moron, but are there really services that last that long?

Here's my husband calling Home Depot after the chain fell off the trencher while he was trying to dig through thick clay soil.
He got the chain back on.. they told him we could have it for one more day *WHEW*!
(Notice the severely frustrated look on his face?)

I overcame some serious fears this weekend. One, I drove there and back 2 times by myself. I have serious driving phobia. I don't like driving somewhere I haven't been many times, and I HATE driving on the highway.
I can't even describe the elation I felt when I had made it there and back. Pulling into the driveway was paramount to giving birth.

Another good point, by the way things feel, I am pretty sure I've made some serious muscles in my arms, back, tummy, and butt, from all the digging. My legs got quite a bit of exercise from running back and forth across the 36 acres.

Oh yeah, one really tragic thing. There's a guy that lives behind our land (we call him "pirate guy" he has a big jolly roger flag hanging outside his house.. don't ask.. i don't know!) He had another neighbor digging out his pond to make it deeper.
Apparently the neighbor digging got his backhoe stuck and had his wife come over with the tractor to pull him out. The tractor tipped, she fell off, the tractor fell on her and killed her.
I can't even imagine the hell he is going through right now.
We don't know him or his wife or anything about their family.. We heard the story through a neighbor that does or hay mowing.
Mark and two of the girls were sleeping at the house when it all happened. They say they remember hearing someting but thought nothing more of it and went back to sleep.

I know it's all going to be worth it..


Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

wow...So, that's some heavy stuff on your mind. Good luck with the house. Now, are you going to live in both houses? Or is the mobile home on land which is far from where you live now. I am a bit confused. LMAO at the "water" guy.

9/12/2005 08:47:00 AM  
Blogger Linda said...

Good Luck on your move. I know you've been looking forward to it for quite some time. Hope the rest goes well.

9/12/2005 06:42:00 PM  

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