My Quiet Space

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Artwork by Bethany 4yrs old

Do you remember the first time you lost a balloon?

My four year old daugher experienced her first devastasting loss yesterday while out with her daddy.
They had gone to the bank to deposit money and she was ecstatic to recieve a green balloon attached to a curly white ribbon. Her daddy tied it lovingly around her wrist right before walking out the doors so as to protect her from the heartbreak of losing it.
The door of the truck was open, she was inside, the ballon was outside, she yanked her hand to try to bring the balloon inside with her. The ribbon slipped loose of itsself and fell next to her as her green balloon floated away. She wouldn't really discuss it with me, so I thought there was no major traumatic feelings. I was a little concerned that she seemed to show no emotion over it.
Later lastnight, she came to me with this drawing. She was visibly upset. She told me how it all happened. She said it just kept going higher and higher till she couldn't see it anymore. I remember that feeling so well... I've been having that same feeling lately.

I am deeply saddened when I hear comments that fellow Texans of mine have made regarding Katrina survivors in our community. Comments like "They are living better now than they were before", "They are all violent and theives" etc..
When do people lose that feeling of empathy? I feel like the world is a horribly jaded place lately. I worry about the future for my children if this type of catastophe can be taken so lightly.

I've been purposely trying to search out awe inspiring stories of selflessness to try to give me some faith in humanity. For some reason I keep ending up googling the very things that are driving me absofrigginlutely insane.. "katrina prophecies", "bible prophecies", "Nostrodamus predictions".

I talked to a friend today and she first told me that "I'm not concerned.. i know i'm not perfect, but i know there's a place for me". I told her I wasn't worried about myself. I'm worried for the future of our children.
I hope everybody helping raise the future adult citizens of the world is doing their part to raise them with empathy and love for everything and everybody around them.


Blogger Elisa said...

It's very sad. Sorry she lost her balloon.

9/09/2005 07:27:00 AM  
Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

Man...I am so glad your blog is back. I just adore it...

9/10/2005 10:03:00 AM  
Blogger Big_Daddy said...

Amen. ("I hope everybody helping raise the future adult citizens of the world is doing their part to raise them with empathy and love for everything and everybody around them.")

9/17/2005 07:43:00 AM  

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