My Quiet Space

Friday, September 16, 2005

More Adventures in Moving...

So the holes had been dug, Mark had gotten all the water pipes glued and in the holes. It was time to get the electric line in and back fill the trenches.

These things ALWAYS sound so much easier said than done.

As soon as the girls got off the bus, we took off.
Mark drove his truck with newly adopted trencher in tow. Inside his cab were Crista, Heather, and Skip, the perpetually stinky chihuahua.
Following closely behind, was me in the Suburban with Hannah, Misty, Bethany, and Angel, the smiling Dalmatian.

Heather and Crista took turns watching Misty and Bethany and coming to tell me how the other was doing wrong by the little ones while we were lugging around 133" of electrical line. The line was three wires twisted together and were as big around as my wrist. It was cumbersome and grueling work.

By the time we got the electrical in it was 7pm. From 7pm till midnight, we followed him around to light the way as Mark used his new toy to back fill and flatten the piles of dirt PERFECTLY. I had 5 girls whining in the Suburban that they were hot, bored, hungry, thirsty, tired, and dirty.
Any time we opened the doors Angel would try to shove her way in. She stunk horribly and was covered in mud from exploring the pond.

I would flip flop from LIVID with my husband that he was so preoccupied with getting this done on a school night, (I was filthy and blistered and still had to cook dinner and clean the little ones), to thankful that he has the skills and knowledge to do all of this.

The girls slept as I scowled at their father off and on. We got home around 2:30am in perfectly chipper moods. HA!
Misty and Bethany thought it was morning and time to get up.
Heather, Crista, and Hannah took turns taking a shower while I cooked( I have no idea how they worked out who was getting to shower first). Can't wait to get in the house with 3 bathrooms!
Misty won't settle down at night till Bethany goes to bed. Bethany was working her daddy , in a way that only a true "daddy's girl" can. When I'd tell her it was time to go to bed, she'd climb in his lap to cuddle him while he oggled farm equipment on Ebay. Mark, being the guilty father who feels he never gets to spend time with the kids, is loving all the attention she is giving.
At this point I have a HORRIBLE tension headache from the drive, the cooking, the baths, the bickering, the OCD trench driver. I lost my cool, hollared to him that he had to "work with me here!" Bethany went to bed totally pissed off, I carried Misty off to bed with me and she finally fell asleep around 4am.

Apparently the power flickered some time in the night, as it often does. I woke up with a start at 8:30am and yelled a profanity when I realized my alarm had not gone off. Now I had to spend all day Friday with these miserable people!!

So guess what Mark said this morning? "Next time I think I'll hire a team of migrant workers willing to work for less than minimum wage.. they could have gotten this done in 2-3 days and wouldn't hate me before it was complete." LOL! Ok, so he didn't word it quite so politically correct. But you get the idea.. Hence, the pic above :)


Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

OH WOW CATHY!!! That is stressful...

9/18/2005 04:41:00 PM  
Blogger Tess said...

I read in the paper today that stress hormones seem to REDUCE the risk of breast cancer. So look on the bright side!


P.S. I didn't hear music--did I do something wrong?

9/19/2005 09:08:00 AM  
Blogger Cathy said...

Wow! I'm seriously low risk then... the stress coupled with breastfeeding for approx 8 years..

I have no idea why the music isn't playing.. i can't hear it but that's cuz i have dial up.

9/19/2005 09:37:00 AM  
Blogger Elisa said...

Wow, Cathy, you must be an amazing woman!

i don't think i could have held my tongue as long as you did.

9/19/2005 10:11:00 AM  

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